Month: August 2024

400 Years of Cricket in the press…

In the run up to our 400 years celebrations we have had some lovely coverage on the club and the research in the FT Weekend. At the end of last week I spoke with Cricket Anaylst Simon Hughes on his podcast – which you can listen to here. We are expecting a couple more pieces

Jasper Vinall: 1590 – 1624

Our research into Jasper and how he met his death has brought to light new facts, previously lost to the archives. This new information adds colour and interest to our founding story, but crucially, it also adds to the conversation regarding the reach of cricket at the time. Over the next few pages is all

1624 – What Really Happened?

The story of the demise of Jasper Vinall has been referenced in many of the game’s histories, yet the actual known details of the event are minimal at best. Since discovering this nugget of history when I joined the club in 2017 I have been researching the incident and trying to discover more details. Its